Friday, 13 January 2017

Modern Studies on tour in January 2017

In an industry that loves to put artists in little boxes with neat labels it’s always refreshing to find musicians that steadfastly refuse to fit in. So refreshing, in fact, that it’s so very often the difficult to categorise musicians who turn out to be the most entertaining.

Modern Studies, who released their debut album Swell to Great in 2016 to some positive kerfuffle are one such uncategorisable and entertaining band, consisting of Emily Scott, Rob St John, Pete Harvey and Joe Smillie. Quiet, thoughtful songs, written mainly by Emily on a wheezy old pedal harmonium, found fans across the discerning members of the BBC 6 Music squad, ending up on their ‘Recommends’ playlist and grabbing a top 20 spot in Mojo’s albums of 2016 list (just above Bob Dylan’s Fallen Angels.)

Later this month Modern Studies support King Creosote on their tour, playing six dates in Liverpool, Birmingham, London, Bristol, Cardiff and Gateshead before they play at Joe’s Glad Café in Glasgow as part of Celtic Connections.

They’re definitely worth catching up with, as you’ll see from their slightly unsettling video for ‘Swimming’, from Swell to Great, below;

Swimming from Modern Studies on Vimeo.

Full list of tour dates;

20th January (supporting King Creosote) – Philharmonic Hall, Liverpool
21st January (supporting King Creosote) – Town Hall, Birmingham
22nd January (supporting King Creosote) – The Barbican, London
23rd January (supporting King Creosote) – Colston Hall, Bristol
24th January (supporting King Creosote) – Tramshed, Cardiff
25th January (supporting King Creosote) – Sage, Gateshead
26th January – The Glad Cafe, Glasgow (Celtic Connections)

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